Went to Ocean Park the following day. Took Star Ferry from Kowloon to Central Pier. Then took Citybus 629 morning special service to Ocean Park. Reached Ocean Park liao... They had undergone a renovation and the entrance has been changed. LOL... The new panda exhibit was nice! LOL... and they had 2 panda exhibition halls... 2 in each... They had 4 pandas altogether.. LOL... also saw some racoons there... =) Quite nice as the pandas are awake and eating bamboos as we went in the morning. LOL... guess if you see them in the afternoon, they are probably sleeping.
Visited their goldfish museum too... saw some weird looking goldfish... then we also took their train to the other part of Ocean Park.... went to their mini bird park too... I wonder why the water is so green.. Looks beautiful lor! =) Also took their roller coaster... damn nice.. can see Aberdeen and some islands... =) Quite a nice thrill ride... I also went for other rides.. including the one that throws you down from the sky. LOL... Actually it is less thrilling than the pirate ship... i hate pirate ship actually.. cos no safety bar.. the rest with safety bar... nicer, more thrilling but less frightened.. lol...
Anyway, hateful china people cut queue again! Zzz... They jumped over the railings and head for the ride straight instead of queuing.. how disgusting! Zzz... i wonder why china let these people come out of their country to throw their people’s faces!
The worst was at the chair lift there... the auntie manning the station was so pissed off with the china people.... and you can see the difference in service.. she said sorry to us and say those people keep cutting queue no choice in Cantonese.. can understand but i just smiled... lol... didn’t want to speak mandarin... limited Cantonese anyway...
i feel beri “sia suay” to know mandarin... lest she think i also one of those pumpkins... -_-“ ... anyway, in Hong Kong, people tend to treat you better if you speak English or Cantonese, especially in some tourist spots where those china people have got into the nerves of the service personnel. Mandarin = China Pumpkin People Language.. but sometimes u gotta say it anyway... especially at restaurants... since some only had Chinese characters...
Anyway, those china pumpkins i suppose really come from the ulu ulu areas... u can see some “got class” china tourists there.... those pumpkins are really ruining hong kong... Zzz....
There was this old china uncle who don’t want people to cut his queue and then he actually lie onto me... zzz.... hate tat... need to stand so close mah.... at the ferris wheel... you stupid china people... cut ppl queue den dun like ppl cut ur queue anyway... anyway, luckily i had a bag in front of me, so i swung my bag backwards to hit the uncle’s front part.. u know u know...haha... to get him off my back.. zzz... disgusting china people..
We went to watch Symphony of Lights too.. but was kinda disappointed as it wasnt magnificent enuff.... the lightings were much better at normal time rather den during the show when everything was flickering at different intervals...
Anyway, we had to run for our belongings after our rides as we are scared those pumpkins might steal our bags.... -_-“ ...
We went to Avenue of Stars after which, walked around and saw the nice view of Hong Kong Island...