Flew the whole day on 10 November... Woke up early for my flight to Tokyo Narita Airport transit via Hong Kong. Met Tsian Hwee at the airport and we departed Singapore at 10am.
Just 5 minutes after takeoff and we can see clouds all over the skies from our window seats!!!! COOL....
OMG... The Hong Kong aunties in front of us are damn noisy.... NO PEACE! LOL..
Lunch was Chicken Rice.... Quite good. Above Average.
Dinner was Beef with Vermicelli... Taste weird.... just average. The whole plane was DAMN QUIET! from Hong Kong to Japan.... We feel like we are at the cemetry.... noone was talking.... everyone is reading. freaks you out when you have to whisper to the one next to you as everybody will be looking at you if you were talking..
oh btw... the flight was pretty empty.... about 40-50 seats empty, in contrast with the full flight from Singapore to Hong Kong.
Many locals on the plane... mostly Japanese.. Guess nobody wants to get infected with H1N1... (H1N1 at its peak in Japan, with few hundred thousand cases in Japan and still spreading) .... so nobody's going to Japan, unlike me and Tsian Hwee! LOL...
Departed from Hong Kong after an hour and we finally arrived at Tokyo Narita at about 8pm! OMG! Its drizzling and we had to carry our luggage... getting all drenched up by the time we reached our hotel... that is 20 minutes away from the train station.