Went to the Night Safari yesterday! Met my cousins at my mahmah's house! =) We went to Upper Thomson Road for Roti Prata! =) The Prata House. Coolz... My 1st time there...
The teh cino was nice! =) I ordered a teh tarik at 1st, but couldnt resist the temptation and ended up ordering a teh cino cos all of them ordered it. LOL... Was thirsty anyways. The roti prata was crispy too... curry sauce nice.... =) overall nice dining experience there..
We went to the Night Safari after tat of cos. Pictures kinda suck cos I do not know how to use night vision for my camera... and its so dark down there...
You cant really use flash.. cos everybody will be looking at you... and its forbidden anyways....
I wish they could have more lighting. Kinda sucks when you can see animals, but you cant snap them. LOL...
Quite disappointing.. The tigers and lions are sleeping like pigs today! Zzzz... The pigs are awake though. I wonder why. I think the phrase should be changed to "As lazy as a tiger / lion" rather than "As lazy as a pig" .... LOL...
Anyway, you really have to walk when you reach there... the exhibits are like so far.... or is it because they make u go around circles?

Anyway, some interesting animals we saw... Wolves, Leopards, Cats, Porcupines, Malayan Orange Tigers (not found in the Singapore Zoo cos now all white tigers)...

I liked the flying squirrels the most. Cos they look so beautiful and they "fly"... I would say it as glide rather... only 400m at most and downwards... but imagine big animals gliding over ur heads.. kinda freaky... haha.. they have wings like tat of bats... =) Interesting!
Oh ya... I changed my settings without knowing.... I just realized it today. I changed it to smaller size picture halfway at Night Safari. =X
Here's wishing all a Happy Niu Year! =)