Went out alone on Saturday to watch "Mission Sex Control" at Cathay Causeway Point after my BBDC lesson! Havent gone out for quite a few days and decided to catch a movie and buy dinner back for my family. Mission Sex Control was quite touching and funny. It's a story based in the 1970s abt the govt's policy to control its population and this female cast is being sent to a village to educate the people on proper ways to control high rising birth rates per family.

Monday went out in the evening to meet up with Peizhen, Wendy and Yinghao... We went to Marina Square... Met Peizhen 1st and ate sweet and sour lamian
and xiaolongbao at my fav. imperial treasure restaurant! Lol... Den met the girls to watch "Aliens Vs Predators"... The story is quite action-packed and bloody... quite exciting esp when we are sitting on the 1st 5 rows...and the screen moves right to our face... LOL..... but sad to say....not much of background and storyline.....
conclusion: do not trust the army.... watch le and u noe y....lol....
Anyways, after the movie...which all of us regret watching..cos we missed the countdown for 2008..... the movie ended at 00:10am...how stupid gv timing can be rite? and we ended up shaking hands to say happy new year in the theatre.... lol....
Nvm..the most interesting part has yet to come... we went to sing ktv..... lol....on new year's eve....guess wads the price like.... $50 per person! OMG!!!! we sang from 1:30am to 6:00am.....lol..... as usual marina always give us a very big room for ktv...we got a 10 person room when we only have 2 person...lol.... enjoyed our time singing there..but wah sian....i really cant sing bcos of my sore throat.....zzz.... my voice keep changing de...oh no.... quite screwed up too.... i havent been listening to new songs lately...worst still...i havent been listening to a single song over and over again....keep forgetting the lines and was too slow to go with the words i cant pronounce rite....lol....
Anyway, this is how clean singapore can be! ....hours after a countdown party... Lol.... Look at the amount of rubbish lying on the floor!!!!!
Terrible rite! Singaporeans! Shame on You! OMG! Really dirty bugs .... !!!! Anyway, the toilet at marina square was worst than this....apparantly you can see party poppers, drinks, food and litter all over...even party poppers...as if the guys celebrated countdown in the toilet....
anyways, we sang till 6am...haha...guess wad....we took the 1st bus at 6:30am home! Lol..... power rite...hehe..reached home at 7:30am like tat.... den went to sleep...
Met up with Tsianhwee in the afternoon..... we went to watch "Body #19".. wah...damn bloody year..... 1st day already watch 2 bloody movie le...lol....

Body #19 is a nice movie with a big twist! Its about a person who hallucinating about a murdered victim asking him to help uncover her death....and den this guy out of curiousity.....later went to discover later that he is in a dilemma as to what exactly is happening...but when he found out about the truth...it was already too late..he had done extra things that couldnt bring things back to way it shouldnt have become...

Quite a scary but real-life movie that may happen in today's world... pretty like the story over all..... thai movies are getting better.... The only bad thing about the movie is that the mistress looked so much uglier than the wife! Lol....funny lor..cant understand y the doctor fall in love with the mistress! Haha.... Anyway, the guy actor not bad lah...quite gd looking....haha... Quite enjoyed the movie!

Went to eat Oyster Omelette, Satay, Stingray and Teh Cino after walking around the shopping centre @ marina square to buy new year clothes.... only managed to buy 2 t-shirts... hopefully can get pants soon.... and sports shoes.... Nice food @ Gluttons Bay nonetheless....and i simply enjoyed the long weekend....
Nice start. 2008. Hope everything goes well and smooth for me! =D .....
197 absolute days to ORD! 140 work days to ORD!