Gone case liao my eyes.... zzz.... sore again! -_-" ... now recuperating at home!
Zzzz.... tuesday morning already sore le... den i decided to continue going to work...cos i have sore eyes practically everyday.... -_-".... usually it goes off 2 hrs later... den i felt painful.....
Went to the polyclinic the next day... to get referrals for eye specialist and high blood pressure..... and oso see my sore eye... was given 3 days MC by the doctor... felt very happy at first.... no need to work for 3 days.... but now i start realizing tat it might be true i really need 3 days to rest at home! See how my left eye looks right now...zzz..... sleep so much liao still cant recover...zzz....
Hope I can recover soon! =X....