A song to show their respect for him.
The last day morning we went to Ba Dihn Square... Where Ho Chi Minh's mummified body lies... in a crystal coffin... couldnt snap pictures of him...
Anyway, the queue was like 1 hr to get to see his body... pretty long.... Den we went to visit parliament houses, and the houses Ho Chi Minh used to stay when he was president for Vietnam.
There our trip ended with a coffee drink at Hanoi Airport before we head back to Singapore. Overall, the trip wasnt too great. And I had a bad diarrhoea. =X The landscape and scenic view wasnt tat fantastic. The trip I estimate costs about $1,900 per person inclusive of all things... I would say the trip is more of a waste of money, worth giving it a miss. =X
On the last day, we went to Ba Dihn Square... Had to queue for about 30-45 mins to see Ho Chi Minh's mummified body..... Although he's dead for over 40 years already, his body remains much intact. Can see his full face.... too bad you cant snap a picture of his body... anyway.. the square building houses his body.... we also went to visit the parliament house he used to work at when he was the president for vietnam..... as you can see, he has pictures of karl marx and lenin nailed on the walls of his office!