So fast????
Time seems to pass so fast since my holidays started...
School time things seem to move extremely slow, but when you start your holidays, you start to realise how fast time is moving.

I cant believe I have already worked in Cold Storage again for 3 weeks liao. WaH!
But den work is work. I will only get my pay end of next month! Zzz.... My goodness. Zzz... omg.... so i am now an extremely poor student. =X
I cant believe its halfway through my holidays. Oh no.. and soon i will be back in school....
May ended. Birthday celebrations ended. The only time in the year to "qiao" ur friends for treats and presents. Oh no! LOL... Next month have to spend money again liao! OMG!

May was fantastic. Managed to save up quite a bit. Spent only $250 for the entire month! =) $65 per week. Less than $10 a day! =)
And guess what! On Thursday, the results for last sem will be out! I seriously hope I can see 4 CR(Credits). I hate to see PAP (Pass). But to be realistic, I dun wan any NN (Not Attainable), which means Fail.
God bless me! =)