Haha.. Had a nice time @ her house! =) Playing games and all.... The game I enjoyed best was BINGO! Close to winning! Sian diaoz.. almost win... 1st time i had 2 numbers left.. to jackpot... 2nd time i had 1 number left... sucks! Never win.... So close! Chin Leng oso wanted to continue the game but the rest didnt want! LOL....

Anyway, Cake... my favourite.. ate 2 slices of cake..haha... food was generally not bad... got my favourite tofu i remember.... the round round baked type... haha.... chicken and all... She decorated her house too.. coolz.... but lots of effort leh.. pity her friends and bf...haha.... not like me... jian jian dan dan...no decorations de..haha.... and oso never wear new clothes... sweat like hell tat time....so hot... HAHA!!!
Anyway mabia, thanks for the invite ya... u have been a nice host! =)

Mid-way in the exams... I declared myself one day off today.... haha.. went to watch "Knowing" at Causeway Point.... wah... today last day of the show... timing wasnt tat good.... ate my favourite hotdog combo inside cinema...

the movie was kinda freaky.... they have some parts tat r really omg....disturbing... but no bloody scenes though... but pretty mix of future robots.... traditional western devilistic kind of story ... quite weird overall... the story... but good to pass time.. I give it 7 out of 10 bah.. above average....

Had this craving for oyster omelette and wanton mee......... ate both together at 430pm... haha... breakfast was the hotdog combo in the cinema... lunch+dinner together at 430pm....
Anyway, my birthday's coming. I guess nobody has yet to prepare my birthday celebrations yeah? Quite sad.... Haha.. but no choice.... all having exams...but thankfully my birthday falls after my exams..so they can plan after their exams.. wonder wad surprise they will give me..... i can only wait and see.. =)