Loved this place, Tasch, the most. The moment we reached there. It started snowing!
Its my first time I see snow dropping down from the sky! Mind me for being so "sum-pat"
There's always snow all over. But not snowing! Finally its snowing for me to see! LOL.... My 1st photo when it is snowing!
Anyways, Tasch, was a lovely place to begin with. Nice trains to bring you up to the hilltop (Zermatt). Scenic ride up to Zermatt! When you reach Zermatt, its an almost no-car city with lots of small battery operated taxis.
So cute! LOL... There's also a nice canal with snow all over and lots and lots of snow, some covering housetops. =) Most nice place of this trip.
But ended up it snowed too heavily and we were stucked in the mountain for an hour cos we couldnt come down! LOL....
But lovely place, i dun mind getting stranded in such a lovely place......
Full of tourist shops, couple of supermarkets.... Juz nice... we visited lots of shops... juz on time for the delayed train ride....