Wow.... Didnt realise I already posted to Log Branch for 1 year liao... Since 230207.
But guess out of most of the units, I tink Log Branch is the better one out of the rest. In terms of environment, welfare and workload...
1st day in Log Branch was the funniest. I go halfday cos HR owes me 0.5 day off..... cos they decide to post me on Thursday to Log Branch on Friday and 4got my off.. so i went branch to show myself there and went home after 4 hrs.... lol....
Quite a quiet office..... One phone call comes and you can feel all of a sudden the whole branch is so noisy! Liked the quiet environment!
Superiors wise oso not bad lah.... so far the best..... quite friendly direct superiors...
Workload... Pretty manageable cos I am so called the Admin I/C for that branch... so it really depends on me meeting on my own target and deadline...usually i set myself... cos most of the work are monthly basis.... kind of OTOT kind of workload.. u dont finish on the 1st.... u die on the 31st.....
Welfare wise... of cos nice lah.... go out of office is at ur own timing... doesnt really restrict you on specific time wad time to eat..... but den problem is ownself must go control..... and the cohesions we went..... Pariss, den Kushin-bo den chalet @ east coast!
Colleagues wise...urmz..oso ok lah... except those I close with always MC de....haha... so seldom got chance to tok to same topic one a bit less in tat branch... though they are ok....
So always go HR find my old friends when I was there beforehand.. though different branch everyday go home liase with them almost everyday..
Understudy not bad.... always look very blur when teaching but noes everything de... so no need worry! Haha....
Worst thing abt this whole camp is weekend duties and the low allowance given by saf... =X
141 Absolute Days
100 Working Days