Early morning woke up to rush to Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Grandpa admitted to hospital yesterday and going for scheduled operation today to remove the lump in his big intestine..... See him for last time before he goes for the op..... Reached there at 10am..... den u noe wad.... the hospital transferred him to the operation theatre before we could see him.... its like "wtf"..... didnt even inform us.....
they couldnt give us the time of his operation even up till today and promised to call before he goes for op.... damn angry lo.... den asked the nurses they say he finished operation... in fine condition .... in level 6....den when we prompt again abt his whereabouts.... they say "dunno"..... -_-" ..... den they reconfirm saying he havent go op.... -_-" ..... so is go op or havent go? Den later they say he's in level 3.... so where he is?
Den after tat at 11am they call again to say he's gg for operation now. Its like "wads the use"..... u dun even let us see the patient by now... should ask us be there at 9am to see him before u transfer him to the out-of-bounds operation theatre.... den they say 1 hr later he will be out of operation.... so we stayed at starbucks to drink coffee... den end up 1:30pm the op finish.... cos they reconfirm say need 3 hrs..... -_-"....

Anyway, damn pissed off..... before tat my grandmother and uncle oso "dio tua" (got sabotaged) .... ttsh dunno whether they got bed anot.... den tell my grandma on Wednesday that on

called to ask her to bring him at 10:30am...... den when she brought him there...they say its 3:30pm.... they say either 10:30am or 3:30pm.... 4get to say "or"... zzzz....
I swear next time i dun wan to go there for my hospitalization! So cocked-up! Grandpa fine though....visiting him in the evening....

Anyways, walked around Novena..... Square 2, Novena Square...wah...nowadays so many shops liao... some of them are Pepperlunch, SOL Mart (The other outlet is at basement Cineleisure) .... Pasta De Waraku.... Bought a nice cake from one of the cake shop, The Royals @ Square 2! Damn nice! LOL.....