Lol..... Had quite a couple of drinks... 2 cans of Tiger Beer, 1 can of Calsberg Beer, 1/2 cup of Chivas and 1/2 cup of Gordons Blue (forget the name...haha...)? With boss.. mark tan, wee koon, mark teo... feng quan, zuwei, clara, bala and all... Anyway, didnt noe i can take so much alcohol too.... see i can still blog
now...haha.... seems i am still not drunk though giddy...haha....almost 4get to scan ezlink juz now....

Just came back from dog section cohesion at Seletar East Camp.... Was pretty fun lah...the cohesion! The BBQ was fun! Food was great.... cos the "chefs" were good at cooking the food... quite well-cooked.. =D.... Had lobster, crabs and prawns...i didnt eat them..how sad...cos i dun take seafood..... but took satay and chicken wing..... peng until quite nice oso... =D....
Also get to meet the other half of colleagues in my branch.....the dog handlers...some wich i have never see oso...lol....den there's this greenridge guy who came to say hi to me....looks familiar to me...haha....den realise he's 2 years my junior.....

Anyway, the section was housed in a pretty secluded area...haha..... quite 1970s... Lol..... furniture..... shelters and stuff.... also visited the dogs' dens.... wow.... had some experience over there....imagine dogs barking as u walk....haha... scary though some of the dogs... the dogs do look nice lah....but from a distance.... getting near them is horrible...haha... cos they are dogs trained in baiting & attacking..... dogs used for guard duty..wad u expect.... of cos fierce...
Anyway, its a nice place to visit.... away from the bustling city streets of Singapore.. the section seems like an outskirt from city..... cooling as there's wind and having the forest "feel"...fresh air and stuff....
Also visited Maju Medical Centre today!.... to get eye drops..... so can go dog section a bit earlier...ha... cos go there straight....
Anyways, this week has been a busy week.. -_-" ... so many admin work to do.... my goodness.... everything juz comes in to make me busy....haiz...guess its coming december and everybody is trying to clear all future work in advance so they can get ready for the upcoming christmas season and leave period.....

Military Police came to raid us on Wednesday! How exciting...exciting cos we dont have any contraband..so its like..they wan check go ahead..haha..kinda attitude lah.... its rather cool...the way they work.... 2 tonners came down...ard 40 people...to raid us.... see if we have brought in drugs... mp3....camera phones....chewing gum and other stuff they deemed as inappropriate.. guess its hard to catch people from this camp as it is stayout....people wun bother risking their life by bringing things they arent supposed to bring... 8 hrs and u are back home...not tat desperate rite?

Driving lesson was fun...had one on Tuesday....my 2nd lesson and guess wad.... the instructor let me drive out of the roads...i drove auto btw.... but its scary...1st night class... 1st time out on city roads....and not training centre....pretty challenging..... and had to drive to bt batok road where the speed limit is 70km/h and i drove 60km/h..... and also pass by bt batok central where there is this teenager doing bicycle stunt on the road...how dangerous!
Had near crashes....press the wrong pedal.... stepped on the accelerator when i was supposed to step on the brakes to slow the car...almost had an accident....
Went for MA on Tuesday afternoon and they cleared me of heart problems.... cos supposedly high blood may have effects on heart problems.... supposedly had an average of 3% heart attack chances in the next 10 years.... =D....

Looking forward to meeting zen tml.... havent seen him for a long time... =D contraband...