- No eating and drinking
- No sleeping
- No kissing
- No newspaper reading
- your photo being taken in stomp and everyone in Singapore knows you are doing it!

Man reads papers in train, ignores pregnant lady in pain????

Girls have fast food picnic aboard train

She reads and magically sleeps when pregnant woman stands in front of her

Sleeping couple treats MRT like own home
Mother lets child rest legs on priority seat

Terrible aunty argues with MRT staff when told to remove bag from seat

Man holding Leadership file fails to offer seat to pregnant lady

Man saw elderly woman and quickly fell asleep

The new MRT commuters: The fakers

Man trims nails in train, friend looks on intently
LUCKY I SELDOM TAKE MRT! -_-" SO MANY CCTV AROUND! Beware of people taking your photograph next time you board the MRT! More and more sick singaporeans looking at you!