Was stucked in the traffic jam at PIE for 1 hr plus yesterday! LOL....
Met up with Shihui, Trisha and Weiqi... and i reached there at 7pm at Marina when i supposed to meet them at 5:30pm.. was VERY VERY late .... lucky didnt watch movie.... if not i would have missed the entire show! Zzzz.....
Passed by this disaster scene on the way to meet them. Apparently, 8 lanes of the expressway was closed (4 on each side) as the trailer overturns from the other side of the expressway swerving....hitting a taxi before crushing a tree and a lamp post and den crushing the van on the other side of the expressway! LOL....
Poor driver...
he is going to compensate:
= the van driver's hospitalization fee
= damaged vehicles (at least 2) (i saw abt 6 though reported only 2)
= scdf for the ambulance and fire engine
= the nea for the damaged tree
= the lta for the damaged lamp post
Thank god he didnt hit the bridge just in front.... imagine how many people would die? and thank god it was reported the van driver didnt die.... but complained of back pain....
The accident happened at 4:55pm....and i was on my way on the expressway at 5:15pm..... zzz...... stucked till 6:30pm...... -_-" ....

Met up with poly friends to eat Waraku! Yes....waraku again! Ordered the Suzuran today! LOL..... the one with the rice and noodles set! LOL..... and a mocca float with Mocha Ice Cream! LOL.... It was kind of a short outing...but managed to catch up a bit! LOL....
Went home by MRT after tat....PIE "closed"... took to clementi den took 184 home.... lol....