Oh no... Durian season is gg to be over soon! The taste of durian is dropping...and lesser in quantity..and the price is going up due to scarcity.... As Economics theory suggests, Decreases in supply.... Increases in demand, causing price to increase!

@@@@ Love durians to the max! Bananas are my all-time favourite for fruits....1st in rank..followed by durians... 3rd is cempedak (jackfruit), 4th is Grapes..., 5th is Mango.... 6th is avocado....7th is Longan... den 8th is Kiwi....9th is apple...10th is strawberry....

Feel like snatching the cempedek with the hungry monkeys in my camp when I once saw them eating the cempedek from the tree!!!! Lol... =P.... but they eat unripe one..diaoz....lol.... white white they eat le....

Anyway, advisory to be cautioned.... though its kinda late...cos durian season over liao...lol.... =P....but still BEWARE!
An account of a lady who bought durians from a store in Geylang
I'm just sharing an account of a very negative experience
that some one had with one particular durians-stall in Geylang.
I am unable to verify the story-originator.
Nonetheless, the point is to be aware of hard-sell tactics deployed by some stall-holders.
Do be extra vigilant if you buy durians from vendors whom you are not familiar with.
Dear friends, especially durian lovers!
Please keep away from this durian stall called CHIN YONG TRADING opposite Geylang Lor 11.

Their hard sell tactics give you no time to react and you'll be forced to spend $200 on just a few durians!!
Probably its just one or 2 salesmen who use such underhand tricks but better to avoid the stall totally or be sorry!
Here is my own personal account:
On 21st Apr, my husband with a group of friends decided to have some durian after dinner at Geylang and we head straight to the nearest stall - CHIN YONG TRADING . Turned out to be a big mistake!
My husband went off to choose the durians after we found a table. Once my husband approached this hooligan, he took out his parang to open a durian and ask my husband to try, my husband asked him how much was it but he say "never mind just try first", so my husband commented not bad....immediately this hooligan picked up 5 durians and put into a basket, weighed it and brought it to our tables despite my husband repeated questioning on the price. No replies given.
At our table, he opened up another and asked me and another gal friend (who's carrying a less than yr old baby) to try the durian so we tried. He asked whether nice, we said yes, not bad and immediately he started opening up another durian and say, "see confirm good one this one"! We asked him about the price then only at this time he told us $20 per kg!!! so we asked him the whole basket how heavy, and guess what??? 10kg, and there were only 5 durians inside! We say we don't want he say cannot cos durian opened already and he already keyed in the sales and cannot return. Then keep explaining to us this is really good durian and worth eating while picking up another to open. This time we raised out voice and told him if he don't stop opening, we will leave immediately.

Only then he stopped and say, never mind, he'll return the other 2 unopened one, but the rest of the three durians we have to take....wah piang...and we thought just a while ago he said key in order already cannot returned??????
Anyway, we were very angry and everything happened too fast for us to react, we finished up the 3 durians which in the end cost us $140/- , we didn't enjoyed the durians at all. We hope to prevent anyone from becoming victims again to this hard-sell tactics so beware of those Geylang stalls especially Chin Yong Trading. One of our friends who joined us later on said that he experienced the same thing too from the same stall once.
Please circulate to your friends especially those you know who loves durians! The season is here!
PS: It doesn't help that the hooligan was waving his parang around, I'm 6 months pregnant and our friends had their little baby with them.

Tried feng shui horoscope in camp! Lol... its an excel file den u input wadever u tink suits you...and here are the findings:
LJY, You are a very happy person and gives good advice to those who are down. You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom. You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever. You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
LZH is your best friend. "5" (Which 5?), This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime. You like adventure. You are spontaneous and like to please people.

Go to SIM after ORD, this wish that you made will come true only if???? you circulate to another 10 person to do this quiz! Oh... Lol... =X..Bad ending!...haha...