Pardon the quality of photos..quite bad cos i lazy to scan in...use digital cam to take the pic
1st picture of my life!
2nd picture of my life!
Aint I cute?
Me and my younger brother!
My 1st Birthday! (1987)
My 2nd Birthday! (1988)
My 3rd Birthday! (1989)
My 4th Birthday! (1990)
My 5th Birthday (1991)
My 6th Birthday (1992)
My 7th Birthday (1993)
My 8th Birthday (1994)
My 9th Birthday (1995)
My 10th Birthday (1996)
My 11th Birthday (1997)
My 12th Birthday (1998)
My 13th Birthday (1999)
My 14th Birthday (2000)
My 15th Birthday (2001)
My 16th Birthday (2002)
My 17th Birthday (2003)
My 18th Birthday (2004)
My 19th Birthday (2005)
My 20th Birthday (2006)

My 21st Birthday (2007) Waiting to come!
Anyway, went out with kenneth, shaun, timothy and weihong tat day to jurong east swimming shuai ge a lot tat day...not bad...hehe...had lots of fun there at the swimming complex...played the wave pool...slides... lol... and the lazy river where shaun was being fucked up by one stupid guy... -_-".... accident only mah..need to shout vulgarities meh...diaoz -_-"... anyway, had a nice time after chicken rice...damn nice and bak ku teh...oso beri nice... at the hawker centre nearby....hehe =D

After tat went out with zen....reached there beri early sia...sat down at starbucks b4 meeting him....drink banana java chip blended... hehe....beri nice oso..same for price... $ my fav. bananas.... bananas high in protein k...juz to let u den walked ard ps with zen...den ate at ramen ramen...hehe...not bad sia...the beef noodles damn nice too.... after wich watched "200 pounds beauty" at cathay cineplex..damn nice the movie...quite touching and humourous...give it 4 stars out of 5.. hehe =D....after tat headed home....