二缺一(國語版) by 蔡卓妍
LOL... The long weekend will be ending soon... Much to many disappointment... Same for me though... Public holidays or not, I am still free.... Unemployed... LOL.... Just that the roads will be filled with lesser people... LOL...
Anyway, these few weeks I have been going out with Zen and Tsian... but no pics.. lol... Last weekend was steamboat dinner at Tiong Bahru .... followed by the movie Grown Ups... =)
This week was a dinner at PS food court.... LOL... Damn... Nowadays PS food court so crowded... looks like everyone is as broke as me... LOL... The Cafe Cartel... which used to have queuing crowds is now one full vessel without queues... LOL... But I know why... The food quality has dropped tremendously... as I ate with my family on Sunday... The food quality has dropped... and the food is getting too oily.... =X
We had tau-hway for supper after the movie Vampires Suck.

Anyway, Saturday was having dinner with family at Aoha Japanese Restaurant...newly opened in IMM.... Oh my.... FOREIGN TALENT order taker again... This time... the staff is JAPANESE!!! Which is quite cool.... the politeness and hospitality culture of Japanese is something that our service quality seriously needs improvement... at least 70% of what Japanese should be. Before every dish is being served.. she will say.... Excuz me.... Bla bla... aka the dish name..
Seriously, if restaurants want to improve their service quality.... pls do not save costs and hire those cheap china prcs or filipinos in a bid to save costs.... filipinos though better and friendlier... sometimes they take very long to complete a request.... -_-" .. should get ang moh or japanese.. =)
The food at Aoha wasnt good, however.... it serves hokkaido ramen.... which has a tendency to have ultra strong soup base.... which i find it too salty.... my brothers find it ok though.

Grown ups is an American comedy.... where you know the jokes can get a little bit more dirty sometimes... Overall, its a nice comedy... with storyplot and all... some bits were funny.... nonetheless, its a nice weekend movie retreat....

This movie is a remake of the feminist Twilight movie.... LOL... it appeals more towards the male audiences... with sarcasm and criticism to the Twilight movie... Overall the movie does not have any real plot... but its EXTREMELY FUNNY.... The scenes and all.... Even females enjoyed it.... Its a perfect movie... to cheer u up for the weekend. One funny thing is the half naked scenes in Twilight.... In this movie.... they add in some salt about why there should not be so many half male naked scenes...
Anyway, the amazing thing about this movie is the ability of the producer to find casts that looked almost similar to the cast from Twilight movie.. which i find it quite amazing. =)