After one day of hesitation to do my MC project, I finally touched my MC assignment on Thursday... didnt do much though... but I managed to do somemore on Friday... its like less than 300 words as of now.... Haix.... Gotta try touching up at least 50% of it by Sunday.... =)
I didnt realise I have not blogged for over a week. Had been so slack... huh? LOL...
Probably the best way to motivate me is to look at this bus picture "DIRT!" .... LOL... Saw this cool ad 2 weeks ago and took it down.. i tink if i am lazy... look at it... YOU ARE DIRT!!!... eh no... i not dirt must continue doing project... lol...

Went out with Shaun and Kenneth last Thursday... We had beef noodles at Lai Lai, Jurong Point... I love the beef gravy soup and noodles! LOL... and it comes as a set at about $16 if i didnt remember wrongly..
one noodle + one tofu + one milk tea (600ML)... quite expensive actually but i will visit them soon.. because they gave us a $5 voucher... and we intend to eat it next thursday! LOL...

We then proceed to watch "Tooth Fairy". Tooth Fairy quite nice.... I give it 7 stars... its funny and you laugh through the movie. The idea of the ROCK being punished to become a tooth fairy is simply hilarious... fit fit guy wear wings behind and taking away children's tooth to get money from fairy god mother... quite funny lor...

Went out with Zhenhui and Tsian Hwee on Saturday! We had dinner at Lerk Thai. Tsian say its Jerk Thai at first reading.. actually to be fair... the logo seems like Jerk Thai to me too at the first reading.... Wonder what is the meaning of Lerk...

haha... quite sad they didnt sell the circular otah fish cake wich i liked. cos sold out... haix.... had tom yum noodles and some pandan chicken... overall the food is ok... soso.. i give it 6 stars out of 10.

The price is one factor that brings the grading down... cos its quite expensive in my opinion... they count the pandan chicken by piece ($3 each) the lemongrass drink was unique...
We then proceed to watch "The Spy Next Door".. its actually one of the movies i wanted to watch most.. because it seems like its going down soon and i havent watched it.... expect it to be soso to 6.5 star show.. but it turned out to be a 8 star show....

LOL... I liked the movie!!!! Enjoyed it! Jackie Chan is back with his action packed thriller.... and he displays stunts again! LOL... its unlike his previous Shinjuku Incident where he act like some big kungfu noob.. lol.. The movie is also funny and we laughed through... =) If you havent watched it, please do it this weekend before it goes down! =)

Had Mac the other day... and was pretty pissed off with the pricing... I liked Prosperity Burger very much actually... and used to patronise them like once in a forthnight to eat this burger.... i saw the price lately and was quite surprised it costs me a bomb.... didnt eat it until one fine day i couldnt resist the temptation to eat...

The prosperity burger meal was $9.85... The burger costed like $6 ala carte... and den u have to top up ur fries... and auntie upsize my green tea without telling me the price... only realised it when i sat down to eat.. burger quality same... except the price is now $9.85.. was $7.95 last year with an orange tea.... A 23% increase in price!!!... Sent it to stomp anyway... Hope Mac can lower down the price next year...
Recession over doesnt mean we are rich by over 20%....

Had lunch alone on Thursday at Bishamon Ramen Restaurant.... The $9.25 set meal lor... Gyoza+Ramen+Green Tea....

Went to Old Airport Road Hawker Centre today.... to eat my favourite Wanton Mee.. i tink its rather good... and its finally opened..... Hup Kee Wanton Mee ... #01-02... they close for about a month the other time... dunno why... i love their chilli, wanton and char siew... LOL.... This is the $4 version... I think the $3 version looks more appetizing to me... next time order $3 version..haha...