Went out with JWJW yesterday! LOL... Went with Yim to the career fair @ Suntec City... kinda sucks... not much of things to see! LOL.... Den met up with Jesmen and Peizhen outside the fair cos they dun wan to fill up the survey form.... LOL... Wendy didnt come though...
Den went to Cards N Such or in short, CNS (Canasai) ... den they all each bought a 羊 ... Oh no... Yim's baby 羊 called xiao 羊 now got big brothers and sisters liao.... They each bought 1 for sense of identity as a JWJW member.... Looks like a fun idea.... to have a 羊 as a identity icon.... Zhenhui and Tsianhwee..shall we oso have an icon? LOL...
Oh yah..saw roger outside CNS.... -_-" ... Today his hair so funky ah....got come up one.... plus a guitar behind...got one type of seh...but i dunno wad it is...

Crossed over to Shaw Towers for Thai Food.... Ah Loy Thai Food.... LOL...
The food was nice.. pandan chicken.... tom yam soup... thai red ruby.... pineapple rice.... and peizhen's kway tiao... wich she ordered 2 plates... LOL... cos she order wrongly... den die die oso wan eat the kway tiao...

Den u know where we went..back to CNS! LOL.... To buy Wendy's blue 羊.... tink the shopkeeper see us oso stunned... so obsessed with 羊羊 ... Den went to Secret Recipe @ Marina Square for cakes!
See what we order.. scary hor.... even the 羊 oso cant take up the temptation.....i ordered the chocolate banana cake... LOL... tink it was quite a favourite cake in the cafe cos i see about 6 slices being sold during my time there! The chocolate beside was chocolatey...nice...but the bananas were not tat fresh..haiz...wad a waste...but when u eat it...still can lah .... LOL..... Yim's banana split was nice.... LOL...especially the banana.... we keep on aiming on her banana lo... the taste damn nice i almost went to order one banana split cos of the bananas... wondered y they couldnt use the fresh banana for my cake....zzz....
After tat went camera whoring outside the grass patch @ Marina Square!