Went out with wq,rg,aw,sh today..... Long time never meet anwen and shihui liao... for weiqi and roger...everyday in school oso can see... LOL... Roger's anticipated Waraku... he see my blog photos find it tempting...today finally can eat liao.... LOL...
Today ordered an additional beef soup! LOL.... quite nice.. if only i had the plain soup..cos miso soup too salty... den cant really taste the smell of beef... others still as usual....maccha float, curry udon, scallop and all....
What we did in Waraku...
Roger & I
Weiqi and Anwen
Anwen and unidentified ?
Weiqi (Xu chun-mei style)
Weiqi (Zhi Lian style)

Walked around CityLink Mall and managed to catch this new ice cream shop... Urmz... i bought a parfait to eat... they were asking y i didnt order the ice cream instead.... LOL.... i tink too many fruits...doesnt appeal to me tat much.. i tink the parfaits more appealing to me...LOL.... Bought the dark chocolate nuts flavoured.... Quite ok....chocolate quite enriching.... no queue can go buy... (heard queue long if weekends) if need queue...not worth it! LOL...
Tml have to go school again..... OMG! I loathe going to school... Cos its longer than army! LOL... sometimes 7pm den can go home...sad rite.... army 5:30pm can go home liao.... no need crack brains to think oso.... juz need to open mouth and eat and tok... LOL.... Haiz.... Human beings are damn stupid..... When you are not there, you want to get there. When you are there already, you do not want to be there. Y! Y!
Looking forward to weekend...