WOW... Its been a while since i last blogged... Well, have been too preoccupied with stuff till today...
Selling bus models has been a wonderful business selling experience so far... Sales hits $596 in over 4 months... =)
By the way, do check out http://bushere.blogspot.com if you are interested in buying bus models from me. =)
Anyway, going for my 4th interview tml at Changi.... Hope I can get the job after all.... Applying for the post of Logistics Associate with National Library =) Wish me luck yeah! =)

Watched "The Other Guys" with Zhenhui and Tsianhwee last last Sunday during his birthday celebrations..... Overall the movie was funny and action packed.... enjoyed the movie a lot... =) A few twists and there.... its a story about an old policeman who suddenly decided that he wants to do something big for the community after cooping himself in office for the past 20 years staying in the office doing administrative work.... and he embarks on a very funny and yet adventurous mission...

Watched Wall Street a few days back before 10/10..... watched with zhenhui... overall the movie can give you some financial advice (in a way).... but there were too many dialogues in the movie.... and some draggy parts.... if you havent studied a single business related module in school... u probably wouldnt understand anything in the movie....