Damn funny Miss Singapore World 2009! =)
By Miss Risk Low
YES.. I AM GOING MAD OVER EG... Seriously it sucks. I mean the project itself isnt that sucky. But my mental mindset is totally off.... I dun feel like doing it.... ZZZZ..... I shouldnt be doing this project. Sad to say. I am not in the right tone to do it. =X
I dunno wad I am doing. Both EG and SM looks rather OK to do actually. But when you get to do the project. You simply ask yourself this question. "Can I not do it?"
Jun Yang, please wake up your idea. 8 modules to go and you will graduate. Please do not give up at this time. You are at least 50% over from this course.. Plus completed assignments you are probably at 65% already.
OH MIND. Spent the whole weekend doing EG! Can you believe this? And productivity is extremely low. Zzz...
OH MIND. I miss my friends. I havent been in touch with them physically for at least 10 days for all..... the rest close to a month and i havent met JWJW since my belated birthday celebration in June! OMG! -_-" .... I wonder how they are doing....
I dunno why... I just feel like going out these days... dun feel like doing anything. My life seems trapped in my room. Morning wake up.... inside room... all the way till night time in bed.
Sian. I need a break. =X 23th September onwards to mid october will be honeymoon period.... Save for the 10% tedious HRM assignment due on 5 Oct.. and the upcoming final exams in end October.... =X

Anyway, still managed to eat pizzahut for lunch at greenridge shopping centre with family today....
Had my favourite drumlets... normal pizza.... and cheesecake.... =)
RATING: 7/10

Saturday was lunch at Wan Chai HongKong Tea Room at Lot 1 .... my fav mango pudding.... with the poor quality beef noodles tat wasnt tasty..... =X
RATING: 6/10

Had lunch with roger and weiqi after sch tat day at jurong east.... roger like to go there... bcos of his love and affection for albirex team players who patronise the stall! LOL....
RATING: 6.5/10

Last Saturday was lunch at IMM's Ichiban Sushi.... had curry beef rice... Oishi!
RATING: 7.5/10
SuperSize Versus superskinny
Liked this series a lot...
The last 3 parts you can click from here. The first 2 parts unable to put it here as the embed is disabled. So have to copy paste.
Funny... It compares an auntie tat overate versus a young male adult tat is so skinny!
愛馬仕小姐 by 吳卓羲