OMG! Its so hot today! Sweating at home! 28 C..... -_-" ..... 2 weeks ago was like 24 C at home! Its killing me! Oh no.... i hate hot weather!
Duties after duties over the weekend! Friday and Sunday. I am finally glad i am free from duties till next tuesday! Phew.... tats like wad a relief!
Didnt really have the time to go out on Saturday! Only managed to eat dinner @ Bukit Panjang Plaza Streets Cafe with Shaun.... ate dim sum, nissin noodles and desserts..... Still prefer the Wan Chai Hong Kong Tea Room best out of Streets Cafe and Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe..... The Red bean pancake they serve was a disaster...as in the ingredients they use....instead of the yellow skin pancake they had roti prata served as pancake filled with the red bean.....oh no.....
Anyways, drop dead on my bed after the outing....and its like gosh...the next morning..... sunday for duty....
Hope this week will be fun! Long weekend for me to enjoy! Its a Birthday Week!
Upcoming Kenneth's birthday party and Pengyong's birthday celebrations!