中国话 by S.H.E
Anyway, now helping out at the Mental Hospital...wad u expect? Lol..the overwhelming intake of new patients with mental problems has been increasing tremendously!!!!
Interesting Cases
- Patient 1 --> Someone who declared he might take a gun and go on a shooting spree like the US mass killing in school.
- Patient 2 --> Mass-message to his superiors on the 1st day to emphasize "I love you" message.
- Patient 3 --> Everything also "I noe".... end up everything oso "I dunno"...
- Patient 4 --> Talks to everyone he dunno.... and provide some good advice to you that proved to be insulting otherwise?
- Patient 5 --> Turn off the music in the office on his 1st day of admission and said that your volume is too loud and critisizes your choice of music?
- Patient 6 --> Is injured but continued playing basketball and ended up injuring himself more so that he can be taken care of by his family at home.
- Patient 7 --> Urgently discharged for one day to paint house
- Patient 8 --> Drawing maps for the sake of drawing
- Patient 9 --> Do not even know your name, but ask you how many times you masturbate a week?
- Patient 10 --> Claims he wrote song for Sun Yan Zi.
- Patient 11 --> Fucking around together, be it the ceiling, or the corridor just outside your office.

- Patient 12 --> Shitting and urinating around like nobody's business.
- Patient 13 --> Is busy the whole day, forever clicking the mouse and typing on the keyboard, only to realize she's actually learning how to use Microsoft Word.
- Patient 14 --> Walks around and don't know what to do.
- Patient 15 --> Walk 2 steps... turn back 1 step.
- Patient 16 --> 1st thing asked on 1st day was "Where is the cookhouse?"
- Patient 17 --> Walks around and asks around "Where's my cap?????"
- Patient 18 --> 1st to ask "Can I have one" whenever food appears
- Patient 19 --> Have leg problems only from 0800 to 1730 hrs. After 1730 hrs, the ability to run as fast as an athelete.
- Patient 20 --> Decorated the door by writing "I cleaned this door" after cleaning the door.
- Patient 21 --> Asking the clerk when is he getting promoted everyday even after clarification.
- Patient 22 --> Asking everyone when is his last day when it is clearly stated on his pass.
Guess I am getting more and more retarded after working here for 9 mths? Lol.... -_-" .... Going slower, from Windows XP to Windows 98...perhaps to Windows 3.1 by the time i leave this company????
Anyways, cant wait for weekend to come! Will be going out with some friends to watch Transformers and eating a nice dinner at VivoCity this coming Friday!!!! On Saturday, would be gg to eat Steamboat buffet with Peiwen whilst Sunday will be singing at KTV at Chinatown before gg to eat frog porridge....
Fancy an ord counter on your desktop???
