Lol.... how funny... miracles do happen...
Few days ago, i was hoping a mudslide would block the access road to my camp due to the long rain spell .... so no book-in... cos i saw a mudslide somewhere along the way to the camp...
and u noe wad happened? It really did happen... a tree branch fell down and blocked the access road to my camp! Hehe... all of us were stranded on the ferry bus for like 15 mins... wich is like so happening! Hehe.. reached camp at should have reached at 7:43am...
anyways, the authorities were beri prompt in removing the tree branch, wich doesnt benefit us! Haha.... should have been slower..lolx.... den we can spend our lovely time on the bus! .... in the end we started work at ard 8:30am cos the bus service is being delayed... haha...
anyway, this long rain has been causing lots of inconvenience to us.... A lightning strike resulted in power trip and causing our intranet to crash... and oso difficulties in going to the cookhouse for lunch and also getting us all drenched before we book in! Lol... But I like it! Love the temperature.. hehe =D So cold... lol.. wish its colder.. =D Maybe 19 C? how i wish it rains everyday!!! Lol....