Sunday, March 26, 2006

Went out with Zhenhui.....

Haha... today damn nice outing....lol =)

Went out with zen in the early morning....haha...11:30am ley..u noe anot..haha..... den reach there..walk around...we both had different opinions about wich movie to watch...i wanna watch yours, mine and ours while he wants to watch a scary movie...4get the name le... ha....but in the end watch mine...cos i gotta go off for the class outing at ard 6... lolx....

den we went to eat "it's dimsum"... its a conveyor belt dimsum restaurant serving dimsum....lol... the food didnt turn out to be tat nice as advertised on the tv tat time by li teng tat time over channel u.... ha.... disappointing...and we ordered so much... really too happy... playing with the rabbit shaped dimsum custard..haha.... killing it by eating the head.... lol.... and oso sexually harrassing the poor rabbits...lolx... b4 we eat them up.... "xian jian hou sha"....lolx.... really regret it ... the dim sum didnt taste nice cos it was too cold... -_-".... not like the last time the one i went with weida..tat one damn nice... lolx....

the dimsums are damn cute though...rabbits, birds.... lolx....

den ate until so full...haha..couldnt finish the food..but the bill was damn nice... when it came...lolx...zen was expecting $50+ ba..for 2 persons...when the actual bill came it was $90+ ..... scary lor....so ex.... -_-"..... i expected $70+ actually...haha....

we damn regret it.... den we nag about spending $50 on such lousy food.... k.... den we bought tickets le... ma... so went to watch ... lolx...

oh..i had to cancel the steamboat outing oso..spend so much le...and so full...how to eat there -_-"... fortunately i should say, it was also cancelled already cos of low attendance....

we kinda late....but made it on time la..advertisements so many...lolx... the movie is can make it la...somewhere near the shaggy dog standard..but more touching in a sense cos it touches on family ties... lol....

den later bo liao nothing to do ... den walked around marina square...den walk to raffles city...saw my cousin.... den my cousin-in-law ask my nephews to call me "uncle".... oh no... suddenly i feel so old.... haiz.... bu ren lao dou bu xin..people oso call me uncle liao....lol....irritating....small kids in cold storage oso address me as uncle...i so old mey...wah lau....

Kk.... den zen want return library books..so went national library... the bugis one...so big...haha...den bo liao...we went to the history gallery of the library...den play with the touch screen there.... see the contents of wad primary 1 students in 1963 read...lol... so funny..

the book reads ..... a bit 4get liao.... change a bit.... "Siti is at home. Her dad is also at home. We can see her dad." Haha.... so funny...quite stupid oso...lolx... den one more funnier one.... "Beng has 3 ducks. We can see his ducks. Siti has 5 chicks. We can see her chicks..." LOL.... so funny... we laughing and reading there..lolx...not say laugh la..library ley...laugh softly...lolx... den later we played at the escalator..lol...14 floors....so scary..so high... lol... we walked circles and circles until we reached the 9th floor.... from the 3rd floor...i told zen...we are going to heaven..really...u look up..so high..need 30 mins to finish..lolx... at the 9th floor, zen told me to stop being so childish...den i say we go 14th floor straight...den take the escalator...see whether scary anot...lol.... but den take the lift damn scary.. i "chua dio"... 14th floor no lights...den i ask zen close door.... later gt ghost come in die liao...lol.... den we went to the 13th floor.... lol...den take escalator..down... wah..13th floor the scenery damn nice...can see whole of bugis...so nice...like nightseeing view..lolx.... but den at the 13th floor we saw a man...scary...lol... den realise he taking pics .. lol...

den left the library liao... lol.... den went bugis "kai-kai"..find to eat dinner.. ate at liang seah streett....haha.... "zi cha"...but at least the food still okay okay la....but only $20 for 2...better than the $95 for 2..lol.. den walked around...den take bus home liao....

had a fun and fulfilling time with him...too bad he going taiwan for 3 weeks soon...have to see him in may le.... bon voyage...i'll miss ya..though u wun ... lol.... =)