Friday, August 19, 2005

Busy week

This week has been busy with all those projects that are coming due.. So tiring.....finally getting them off for like 1 day when the IP project comes in.... 70% off our assessment and guess what! We just started doing the project!!!! Anyway, heck la.... EMKT project and IBS project settled...hehe :) Now must start the IP project ....most likely i doing on sunday....

Yeah...saturday going out with my "dear" haha.... lolz....weida .... dunno whether another "dear" zhenhui got come anot....haha.... tml weida birthday.....going out with him and Pengyong....dunno whether Zhenhui want anot...haiz...long time never see him ley.... but den its like they dun realli noe each other well... Think of going sakura buffet restaurant at toa payoh........... hope i have a lovely saturday! Hehe =)

On by the way, I am now at Roger's house....Anwen's there also....dun worry... I didnt touch the guys.....haha.... they playing some soccer Tv games...haha..me ley.....neopets lor..i childish rite....haha ....